"Saving Up for Jordans: A Snoop Dogg’s Guide to Dynamic Programming" to a 10 Year Old

Mansoorali Shaikh
1 min readJan 22, 2023


Alright, little homie, let's say you're trying to save up some money to buy a new pair of Jordans. But you only get a few dollars a week of pocket money, and the shoes cost a lot more than that.

So What do you do ? You break down the problem into smaller parts and figure out how much money you need to save each week to afford those kicks. And you make a plan to save that much. This is like dynamic programming, because you're breaking down the big problem of saving enough money into smaller, more manageable parts.

Now, instead of just spending all your money on candy and toys, you put some of it in a piggy bank or a bank account. And every week you add a little more to it. As you save more and more money, you see your progress, and it starts to feel good.

Like in Dynamic Programming, where each step is building up to the final result. By breaking down the problem, you can make it a lot more manageable and a lot less intimidating. And before you know it, you've got enough money to cop those new Jordans and be the flyest kid on the block. That's the power of dynamic programming,

Peach Out Shorty..

