The Fast Track to Entrepreneurship: Starting a Drop Servicing Business in No Time

Mansoorali Shaikh
4 min readJan 28, 2023

Drop servicing is a business model that allows entrepreneurs to provide services to clients by outsourcing the work to other businesses or freelancers. It is a great option for beginners who want to start their own business, but may not have the skills or resources to do everything themselves. In this article, we will be discussing how a beginner can get started with drop servicing, including the steps you need to take and the resources you will need.

Step 1: Identify the services you want to offer

The first step in starting a drop servicing business is identifying the services you want to offer. These services can include anything from website development, graphic design, content writing, social media management, and more. It’s important to choose services that you have some knowledge of or that you are willing to learn about. It’s also important to choose services that are in demand, so that you can attract clients and make money.

Step 2: Research outsourcing options

Once you have identified the services you want to offer, the next step is to research outsourcing options. There are several ways to outsource work, including using freelancers, using an agency, or using a virtual assistant. Each option has its own set of pros and cons, so it’s important to research each option and find the best fit for your business.

  • Freelancers: You can find freelancers by searching online job boards such as Upwork and Freelancer, or by reaching out to people in your network. Freelancers typically charge by the hour or by the project, and you will need to negotiate a price and create a contract outlining the scope of the work.
  • Agencies: Agencies typically have a team of experts that can handle a wide range of tasks. They tend to be more expensive than freelancers, but they can handle multiple tasks at once. Some examples of agencies you can use include Fiverr and 99designs
  • Virtual Assistants: Virtual Assistants are typically based in other countries and can handle a wide range of tasks, from data entry to customer service. Virtual assistants are typically more affordable than freelancers and agencies, but the quality of work can vary. Some examples of virtual assistants you can use include Zirtual and Red Butler.

Step 3: Create a system for managing the work

Once you have chosen an outsourcing option, the next step is to create a system for managing the work. This includes setting clear expectations for the work, creating a schedule for when the work will be completed, and setting up a system for communicating with the freelancer or agency.

Step 4: Build your online presence

To market your business, you will need to create a website, social media accounts, and other marketing materials. Your website should be designed to be professional and easy to navigate, and should include information about the services you offer, pricing, and a contact form. You should also create social media accounts and use them to promote your business and engage with potential clients. There are website builders such as Wix, Weebly, and Shopify that can help you set up your website easily.

Step 5: Set up pricing and invoicing

In terms of pricing, it’s important to research the market and find out what similar services are being offered for. You should also consider the cost of outsourcing the work when setting your prices. It’s also important to set up a system for invoicing and accepting payments from clients. You can use platforms like PayPal, Stripe, or Square to easily accept payments and send invoices.

Step 6: Find clients and start marketing

Once your website and social media accounts are set up, it’s time to start finding clients and marketing your business. There are several ways to do this, including:

  • Networking: Attend local networking events, join business groups on social media, and reach out to people in your network. This can help you find potential clients and make valuable connections.
  • Online marketing: Use SEO techniques to optimize your website for search engines and use social media to promote your business. You can also use pay-per-click advertising and other online marketing techniques to reach potential clients.
  • Cold Outreach: Reach out to businesses and individuals that may be interested in your services. You can do this by sending emails, making phone calls, or even sending direct mail.
  • Referral Marketing: Ask your current clients to refer you to their friends, family, and colleagues. This is one of the most effective ways to find new clients and grow your business.
  • Partnering with other businesses: Partner with other businesses or entrepreneurs that complement your services. For example, if you offer website development services, you can partner with a digital marketing agency.
  • Creating content: Create valuable content such as blog posts, e-books, or videos that will attract potential clients to your website.

It’s important to be consistent with your marketing efforts and to track your results so you can see what’s working and what’s not. You can use tools like Google Analytics, Hootsuite and MailChimp to track your results and make data-driven decisions.

Overall, starting a drop servicing business is a great way for beginners to start their own business and make money from day 1. By following these steps and using the resources provided, you can be on your way to starting your own successful drop servicing business.

